With Gordon Chang & Sam Faddis

4 hours ago

Gordon Chang, Contributor, Gatestone Institute

I discussed with Gordon G. Chang what is America's policy towards China, Ukraine, North Africa, and the Middle East and how they are all affecting the perceptions of Xi Jinping, the Chinese Communist Party's dictator who explicitly seeks the destruction of the United States. Is he being emboldened to take us on directly and violently by what he's seeing?

Sam Faddis, Former CIA Ops Officer

Sam Faddis and I spoke about the aftermath of Joe Biden's disastrous surrender of Afghanistan, the Taliban's takeover of the place, and its restoration of a safe haven for Sharia supremacists operating worldwide. What that means not just for the people of Afghanistan but also neighboring Pakistan and, for that matter, our friends in the Middle East and indeed for us as well is jihad and perhaps fueled with weapons of mass destruction in our future as a result of that debacle in Central Asia.

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