U.S. & Greek Navy SEALS | Joint Special Operations

1 day ago

A video of the U.S. Navy SEALS doing joint exercises with the Greek Navy SEALS (OYK). The U.S. SOF teams practiced joint operational drills with Greece.Historically, the US and Greek Naval Special Warfare communities share close ties.

The Greek Underwater Demolition Teams (ΔΥΚ) were created in the image of the US Navy SEALs. In the early 1950s, the Greek Navy sent a few officers to the US to go through the Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL (BUD/S) training. Once they returned to Greece, they set up the Greek UDTs and established a similar training pipeline to that of BUD/S’. However, the main difference between the two selections is who gets to attend.

In the US, BUD/S is almost exclusively reserved for sailors (in the past, the Coast Guard could send a few coastguardsmen a year to BUD/S). In the Greek version of BUD/S, troops from across the services can go, and it is very common to have officers and noncommissioned officers in Army special operations units that have graduated from the Greek BUD/S. As an example, the current Greek Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Constantine Floros, is an Army special operations officer who has gone through the Greek version of BUD/S (he has also gone through the US Special Forces Qualification Course and graduated as the foreign honor student). To this day, individual Greek SEALs still go through BUD/S and the SEAL Qualification Course (SQT) from time to time.

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