Quick-fire questions with Lady Gaga

20 days ago

No-one wants to be alone, and no job is more isolating than being a pop star.

Just ask Lady Gaga.

Her rise to fame in 2009-10 was unlike anything we'd seen before. One of the first pop stars to harness the power of the internet, she seemed to exist in a permanent onslaught of TMZ photos and gossip blogs.

Their appetite was voracious. She wore through so many looks and sounds in the space of three years that one critic wrote she was "speed-running Madonna's entire career".

And as her fame grew, the headlines became more unhinged. She staged a satanic ritual in a London hotel... She was secretly a hermaphrodite... She planned to saw her own leg off "for fashion".

When she attended the 2010 MTV Awards in a dress made entirely of meat, nobody seemed to get the joke: Gaga was presenting herself as fodder for the tabloids, there to be consumed.

On stage, she was an object of worship for her fans, the Little Monsters. But anyone who isn't a megalomaniac knows that that sort of adulation is a distant illusion.

"I'm alone, Brandon. Every night," Gaga told her stylist in the 2017 documentary, Five Foot Two.

"I go from everyone touching me all day and talking at me all day to total silence."

Now 38, and happily engaged to tech entrepreneur Michael Polansky, Gaga admits that those years of solitude scared her.

"I think my biggest fear was doing this by myself - doing life on my own," she tells the BBC.

"And I think that the greatest gift has been meeting my partner, Michael, and being in the mayhem with him."

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