BGMCTV MESSIANIC LESSON 1033 What do you fear

16 hours ago

BGMCTV MESSIANIC LESSON 1033 What do you fear

VERSE: Mattiyahu (Mat) 16:2-3 Sign of the times.

SYNOPSIS: There are so many end time events happening all at once. So many it is very hard to keep up. The biggest one that we are focusing on today is this. What does it mean to be “GOD FEARING”? What does it mean to each person, to each leader, to each judge? If that person does not fear GOD, does it mean they also do not believe in heaven or hell? how does this tie together with inflammation, leprosy and the 4th seal in Revelation?

VERSES: Mattiyahu (Mat) 16:2-3 Sign of the times. Revelation 6:7-8 this will change the entire planet. D’varim (Deut) 28:22 fever and inflammation D’varim (Deut) 28: 27 skin lesions and itching, all incurable. Mattiyahu (Mat) 12:25 every kingdom that this happens to. Yechezk'el (Eze) 14:12-20 even if these 3 men were there. Y’hoshua (Josh) 24:14-24 they said it but they did not do it. Luke 16:19-31 it is a real place. Mattiyahu (Mat) 10:28 the definition of fear. Sh’mot (Ex) 18:19-21 The do not fear YEHOVAH. Shoftim (Judges) 21:25 this is the sign of collapse.

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