3 Movies That Show So Called Blacks And Native Americans Are Hebrew Israelites

11 hours ago

Through racist mockery they show us the truth, look the caucus race has had over 533 years since 1492 to show our people love or at least just peace and leave us along but they continually hate, rape, rob, murdered our people for literally nothing other then our skin colour.. so what makes you think now in 2025 they will change their love tunes? YOU ARE DELUSIONAL! and why do you want love from them anyway? Thats some sucka shit, do they love hitler? Or do they make him look bad in modern movies like marvel captain america with the steve rogers and also deadpool where the scene is about killing baby hitler so even BABIES these caucus wanna murder just to so called save themselves but the SAME caucus race made a game of mortal kombat where jax went back into time with a time machine to stop slavery he didnt even kill these GODDAMNED SAVAGE VIOLENT MUTE MUTANT MAMMAL SNOUT NON VERBAL CAVE BEASTS from the caucus mountains and mount seir..

He didnt even do that and yet the gaming caucus people lost their fucking minds over that ending and calling it racist cause they didnt see their own kind in the ending and saw only afro people.. but our entire lives we afro people played their games and watched their movies where you dont see us and or hardly see us in their movies and they are FINE with it

This is also how they stole rock and roll they HATED it before elvis came on the scene and since then they adopted it as their own and now just like how they call dogs their children they truly believe rock and roll, country, banjo, walls, jazz, blues, disco, techno, house music, r&b, is really THEIR music.. same way they stole the bible and now teach flying reindeers and bunnies that lay eggs are biblical feastdays... they add their own things to it after a while...

The bible is a our book... it is imported to the west, the bible is an immigrant they took from the east.. and no.. not only arabs were in the east...

East is a direction not a race... east indians are also called asians cause asia is not a race neither it is an area/land mass...

Anyway... they dont forgive hitler but they want us to ...NO WAIT THEY DEMAND us to forgive them... they hate our people so much their OWN race makes movies of black mermaid and black human torch, heimdale, starfire, velma from scooby doo=east indian by the way if i am correct but the fact she is another race ENFURIUATES them.. , remember mermaids? Have YOU or THEY even seen one and then also what race they are by nature? HAHAHAH.. let THAT sink in.. annie from a hard knock life also they HATED cause it is an afro girl... also snow white they HATE and why you think? Cause she is a latin female...

This race will continue to show you how much they HATE you and still majority of the house negroes/latins/natives will love them... thats why 2/3rds of yall done die...

They also hate the black star wars actor, the fact that we grew up playing games like super mario where LITERALLY OUR RACE DOES NOT EXIST and yet our people do not complain these vile beast steal hip hop scene and put themselves as breakdancers and in t.v. commercials as if they are the ones who created rap.. i remember the movie named "blue brothers" where two caucus males the guy from ghost buster, Dan Aykroyd and some other guy played it ...i looked at it when i was young and i thought WHY are these people trying to REPLACE US.. with their DIVERSITY SHIT.. always when you see rap or actually back in the days HIP HOP you saw DIVERSITY GARBAGE AS IF they hang or hung around with us.. always in their movies you saw a group of mixed kid with some DIVERSITY GARBAGE LIES but now their people are saying DIVERSITY nonsense... hahah... HYPOCRITES.. these same people ALWAYS portrayed themselves within OUR culture now their OWN race is portraying us in THEIR stolen spotlight and now they are complaining talking about boycott these movies depicting us as starring instead of them... if only my people collectively had that racism we would have BEEN fought agains them in the ultimate and final race war.. but since the WAR is PRODOMINATELY A ONE SIDED WAR.. there is literally nothing the field negro can do but watch the "house niggers suck caucus penis..." and stay wall away from them while they doing so.. and hope the caucus male will one day massively murder them after he has no more need for them and then it is us alone with OUR LORD GOD against the caucus and their friends which are the asians and arabs... well the arabs hate the caucus but they and the asians hate dark skinned people ALSO..

Now are they all 100% against us? No... but does that mean that you should now let your guard down just because 1 out of a 1000 like you? Hahaha... thats how the native americans lost... remember that?

I do... their loving kindness got them now as 4th class citizens in their OWN LANDS remember the so called mexicans? YEAH THEY ARE AMERICANS BY DEFAULT... but they even call themselves immigrants so yeah... "the mind is a terrible thing to waist" "my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge" they dont know that their ancestors used to walk america before the caucus set up borders...

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