CVA Wolf V2 to Smooth Bore

14 hours ago

How I lined the interior of my barrel; therefore, converting a rifled .50 caliber barrel into a .46 caliber smooth bore. So I turned this CVA Wolf V2 into a smooth bore 47 gauge (sort of). Just .05" larger than a .401 shotgun.

The gauge of a shotgun is determined by the number of pure lead balls of the same diameter of the ID of the barrel that when weighed total 1 pound. I'm pretty sure this is correct. So it would take 47.8 lead balls of .46" diameter to equal 1 pound. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

First shot was with 70 grains of Hodgdon Triple se7en (777) 2F powder and 3/4" oz. of shot. The shot was .20 oz. #5 and .55 oz. #7.

Second shot was with 70 grains of Hodgdon Triple se7en (777) 2F powder and 1 oz. of shot. The shot was .45 oz. #5 and .55 oz. #7.

Birdshot out of a rifled barrel creates a donut pattern downrange, so you almost completely miss the center of where you are aiming.

I couldn't find anywhere that CVA makes a smooth bore barrel for the Wolf V2, so I made my own. Also, I found mention of three people around the country who will bore out the interior of the barrel, but it's costly. This pipe cost me about $25.00.

Ingredients List:
.50" OD welded stainless pipe with a .46" ID.
Rigid Cordless Drill with a 1/2" chuck.
40 grit sand paper

I clamped the pipe in the vice with rags wrapped around the pipe so it wouldn't flatten when clamping down.
I ran the rod back and forth, very slowly, to remove material.
End result is an OD of about .497" to .498", which allows for the pipe to be pushed (very tightly) into the rifled barrel.

It was very difficult to get out; however, using an 11/32" socket and a wooden dowel, I was able to press the pipe out of the barrel after shooting it. The OD of the 11/32" socket is about .49"; therefore, it grabs the pipe, but doesn't get stuck in the .50" ID barrel as I lightly tapped the pipe out. Surprisingly, this did not damage my liner.

It worked for my needs.
I'll probably sand the OD of my liner a bit more, potentially taking it down to a consistent .496".

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