Elon Was Right.

9 hours ago

Controversy and other people's insecurities are your weapons. Use them wisely and morally. The world is not a friend to anyone, and other people do not necessarily have the best interest of their peers at heart.

Many would rather say "eat the rich" than "entrepreneurify the poor". Why?

They want power.

When you question power, the first stage of grief for the questioned is to assail your credibility, so they will laugh, even if your assertion is absolutely correct.

When that fails, they will defend their position by continuing to attempt to assail the credibility of the questioner, often with increasingly incredulous and unsupported claims from trusted sources. This hardlining will continue until a point of mutual unintelligibillity is reached.

We are now at that societal precipice.
The first to blink loses, and gives into violence.

I saw the beginnings of this in my hometown of Great Barrington, Massachusetts, the same town I learned about the Holocaust in. A pro-Hamas really was held just days after October 7th, and some of the most entrenched people in the local youth groups, cultural groups and educational groups were its organizers. They rampaged throughout the Berkshires, terrorizing their Jewish neighbors while saying only their lives matter, up to the present day.

No one, however, stood up for the man with low vision who was violently beaten on the way to his friend's house in broad daylight while wearing a MAGA hat, accused of unspeakable things, and then was libeled by the community at large.

That person was me, and I now understand the nature of power, and the psychology of the unconscious mind. I have learned how the Nazis rose to power, and I learned it in this very place of one-time safety, now turned into a sectarian nightmare.

We may see bloodshed in this country before the weak-minded and mentally deranged left are removed from the institutions that they have destroyed, and their Red Guard progeny from the system of indoctrination they have overseen will go out in blazes of "glory" with varying degrees of self-humiliation. Perhaps on some level, humiliation is what they seek.

Be compassionate, understanding and educate; violence is the language of terrorists, and that's all that these people are.


Robbie J. Bertram

Pittsfield, Massachusetts
4 months' prematurity and low vision survivor
7 years' sober alcohol
Violent crime survivor
Keyboard warrior libel/slander survivor
Self-taught programmer
Coffee addict

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