Exposed: Operative Part of the 9/11 Illusion

3 days ago

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Imagine a “fictionalized” hypothetical scenario called Operation Headfake.

It is responsible for the events of 9/11, and has the following details:

9/11 was a huge deception and a showcase of exotic classified technologies.

The planes at the WTC were faked. They were the result of airborne volumetric projection technology to create realistic 3D images of airliners flying through the sky, combined with directed energy technology to create the explosions people thought were created by crashing airliners. The effect is convincing to most people, but not perfect.

In this scenario, the Twin Towers (and all of the buildings in the WTC complex) were then turned to dust (mostly) using directed free-energy technology as described by Dr. Judy Wood in her book “Where Did the Towers Go?” Most of the steel was turned into dust finer than DNA, and the site continued to react for years after September 11.

A massive coverup ensued that has gone on for 23 years, aimed at preventing the public from understanding the true nature of how 9/11 was done.

Some of the contractors responsible for executing Operation Headfake are the same contractors hired by NIST to explain the events leading to the “collapse” of the WTC.

Headfake 2.0: Drinks With a ChatGPT 9/11 Operative

Can artificial intelligence help us understand what really happened on 9/11? Or is it just a propaganda tool? The answer to both questions is yes.

Our first interactions with ChatGPT about 9/11 were disappointing yet predictable. Without clever questioning, ChatGPT blindly follows the official government conspiracy theory, upholding the myth that nineteen young Arabs hijacked airliners and crashed them into the Twin Towers, leading to gravity-driven collapses. Hogwash.

The mode of destruction that destroyed all of the buildings in the WTC complex was proven over fourteen years ago by human intelligence.
Read the backstory for Operation Headfake:

Headfake 2.0: Drinks With a ChatGPT 9/11 Operative

This is an amazing set of answers by ChatGPT 4o. John Herold has produced a telling product, and it gets better with AI experience. Isn’t it surprising how “marginalized” 9/11 analysts like Dr. Judy Wood and Morgan Reynolds are vindicated?

Read more here:

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