Liberal White Women Are The Most Vile Creatures On Earth, Here Are The Receipts

7 hours ago

Posted • March 10, 2025: Netflix's Social Experiment, Love Is Blind Proves Liberalism Is A Cult, Not A Political Movement — Alright, let’s dive into the melodramatic dumpster fire that is Love is Blind’s latest trainwreck couple: Sara Carton and Ben Messenger. Buckle up, because this is gonna be a wild ride through the land of progressive orthodoxy, where love isn’t just blind—it’s apparently deaf, dumb, and allergic to nuance too. So, Sara Carton—our fearless crusader for all things woke—decided to yeet Ben into the reject pile at the altar like he was last season’s skinny jeans. Why, you ask? Oh, just listen for yourselves: Ben didn’t have a dissertation ready on Black Lives Matter, wasn’t foaming at the mouth over the COVID vaccine, and—brace yourself—his church wasn’t belting out showtunes about LGBTQ rights every Sunday. Poor Ben, the spineless sweetheart, was basically Sara’s yes-man, nodding along to her every sanctimonious sermon like a bobblehead on a dashboard.

He agreed with most of her positions—hell, he practically genuflected at her altar of progressive perfection—but apparently, that’s not good enough. No, no, Ben didn’t have the rabid, frothing-at-the-mouth activism Sara clearly requires in a soulmate. What a white supremacist homophobe, right? Then there’s the church scene—oh, bless his heart, Ben thought he’d score some points by showing Sara his spiritual stomping grounds. Big mistake. Turns out it’s one of those laid-back Christian setups where the pastor’s rocking jeans and preaching about—get this—family and life stuff. How dare he? Sara’s over there rolling her eyes so hard she probably saw her own brainstem, radiating discomfort like she’s allergic to anything less than a full-on Pride parade in the pews. Ben’s church isn’t even anti-LGBTQ—they just don’t obsess over it like it’s the Second Coming. But for Sara, that’s basically a hate crime.

She needs her man to ditch his entire belief system and morph into a carbon copy of her progressive orthodoxy. I mean, who needs love when you’ve got ideological conformity, right? Ben even had gay friends—gay friends, people!—but nah, that’s just a measly participation trophy in Sara’s woke Olympics. And then—oh, sweet baby Jesus in a Prius—enter Sara’s radical leftist, lesbian sister and her girlfriend, who’s so far left she’s practically orbiting Marx. These two swoop in like they’re auditioning for the Smugness World Championships, talking down to Ben while he sits there grinning like a lobotomized puppy, agreeing with their sanctimonious drivel just to keep the peace. They’re glaring at him like he’s a Confederate flag made flesh, all because he’s—gasp—a white, Christian male who doesn’t self-flagellate every five minutes. Meanwhile, Ben’s bending over backwards to accept their entire existence, but do they return the favor? Of course not!

He’s gotta join their cult or bust—no room for a guy who’s just trying to sip his iced tea and not start a culture war at the dinner table. Here’s the real gut-punch: Ben and Sara were actually a solid couple together. They clicked, they bantered, they had that whole “opposites attract” vibe going—y’know, the stuff that’s supposed to make a relationship work. But nope, not in Sara’s world. Love? Pfft, that’s for peasants. Her holy trinity of BLM, vaccines, and LGBTQ activism reigns supreme, and if you’re not ready to burn your old self at the stake for it, you’re toast. Ben could’ve been Prince Charming on a unicorn, but he didn’t pass the progressive purity test, so it’s curtains for him. So here’s a sarcastic slow-clap for Ben, the chill Christian doormat who just wanted a wife, not a reeducation camp. And a sarcastic standing ovation for Sara, who proved that love might be blind, but her ideological blinders are laser-focused.

Deprogram that? Good luck, pal—you’d need an exorcist, a hazmat suit, and a prayer to escape her cult. Here’s hoping Ben finds someone next season who doesn’t treat a relationship like a political loyalty oath. Until then, let’s all raise a glass to the guy who got dumped for not being insufferably woke enough. Cheers to you, Ben—you dodged a bullet wrapped in a rainbow flag.

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