Peak Mansplaining! Man Tells Women What It Means To Be Female On International Women's Day

3 hours ago

Posted • March 9, 2025: Yesterday was 'International Women's Day,' and while Leftists paid lip-service to women (a word they can magically define again for 24 hours), we cannot forget who they really are and what they really stand for. Because THIS is what Democrats have gone all-in on supporting, while making women second-class citizens. A man pretending to be a woman preaches to women about what it means to be a woman during a women’s march on International Women’s Day. Beyond parody. It boggles this writer's mind that this is the hill Democrats have chosen to die on, because the issue is at least 80/20 with the voting public and yet they keep doubling down on it. Feminism has lost its way. Women need to shut this down. This is toxic femininity. So we’ve reached the point where biological women are being lectured—on their own identity—by a man pretending to be one… at a women’s march. You couldn’t make this up if you tried. At what point do women say enough and take back their movement? Or is that not allowed anymore? 🤔 (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Peak Mansplaining! Watch As a Man Tells Women What It Means to Be Female on International Women's Day

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