Season 3 Episode 64: Olympics of TRUTH: BIBLICAL ARCHEOLOGY

5 hours ago

Originally aired 3/9/25. Many don’t know that HAMAS had planned a huge BOMB attack on 30 buses last week, and 5 homicide bombers on their light rails, but GOD thwarted their plan. Can Israel REALLY be expected to allow HAMAS to control Gaza, when their wing in the other Palestinian section is still plotting to destroy Israel? There is NO PEACE with those who HATE Israel.

Even the WESTERN NATIONS along with DEMOCRATIC STRONGHOLDS in the US are permitting ANGRY DEMONSTRATIONS and ATTACKS against the Jews under the guise of “ANTI-ZIONISM.” And as we have shown, anti ZIONISM is just a façade for JEW HATE. And just as the BIBLE PROPHESIED—IT WILL GET WORSE.

But those of us who KNOW AND BELIEVE GOD’S WORD TO BE TRUE, WILL be able to STAND for TRUTH in the evil day.

Last week we began a series that I will be teaching BOTH on SATURDAYS and SUNDAYS in order to COUNTER the LIES that Christians hear and help us KNOW the RICHES of the TRUTH found in the WORD of GOD so that we are EQUIPPED to Give an ANSWER for the HOPE that is in us (1 Pet 3:15), because ONLY the TRUTH will set us FREE.

And so we are looking at the TRUSTWORTHINESS of the Bible so that we can have CONFIDENCE in EVERY WORD, and STAND FAST against the lies of this generation that not only deceive the LOST, but even the CHURCH, which HINDERS our FAITH and Knowledge in the LORD, and PREVENTS us from having an UNSHAKABLE FOUNDATION for sharing the GOSPEL

And so TODAY we will look at how ARCHEOLOGY helps verify the ACCURACY of the WORD of GOD as we have received it, beginning with the OLD TESTAMENT Manuscripts. Some things Archeology has established to verify the TRUSTWORTHINESS of the Bible are:
• Jewish Old Testament copying standards has proven impeccably accurate
• Dead Sea Scrolls were written approximately 2,000 years before their discovery, and they confirm the Old Testament scriptures
• Historical records and archeological finds over time have confirmed these rich details, and no find has refuted them.
• Archeologists continue to unearth finds with inscriptions concerning the people and details in the Bible that validate who the Kings were, and details about their accomplishments.

The website Bible Archeology report is a great source for all the incredible archeological finds that corroborate the innumerable details in the Bible. One of its articles titled “Top Ten Archeological finds that Confirm the Old Testament,” describes this abundance.


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Am Israel Chai! עם ישראל חי

YESHUA HAMASHIACH יֵשׁוּעַ המשׁיה

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