5 hours ago

Originally aired SAT 3/8/25. Friends, I have been warning that we are entering an age of EXPONENTIAL ADVANCEMENT concerning AI and the effort to digitally tokenize every asset, which is the CLEAR SET-UP for the Antichrist Beast system.

All these tech companies are RACING to develop these new technologies, and each breakthrough advancement actually helps generate the NEXT advancement QUICKER. These breakthroughs are coming too fast for the average person to keep up.

Musk and other technocrats have described the process in ways such as “SEEKING ULTIMATE TRUTH” and “Inventing GOD.”

Friends, there is ONLY ONE GOD, CREATOR of all, and the ULTIMATE TRUTH is ONLY FOUND in His Word.

Last week we began a series that I will be teaching BOTH on SATURDAYS and SUNDAYS in order to COUNTER the LIES that Christians hear and help us KNOW the RICHES of the TRUTH found in the WORD of GOD so that we are EQUIPPED to Give an ANSWER for the HOPE that is in us (1 Pet 3:15), because ONLY the TRUTH will set us FREE.

And so we are looking at the TRUSTWORTHINESS of the Bible so that we can have CONFIDENCE in EVERY WORD, and STAND FAST against the lies of this generation that not only deceive the LOST, but even the CHURCH, which HINDERS our FAITH and Knowledge in the LORD, and PREVENTS us from having an UNSHAKABLE FOUNDATION for sharing the GOSPEL.

For those of us who GENUINELY LOVE JESUS, there should be an URGENCY in this age of DECEPTION to set our COMPASS to the WORD of TRUTH.

And so last episode, we were discussing how the Bible is VERIFIED by HISTORICAL FACTS. In FACT there are SO MANY Historical DETAILS in the BIBLE, that every aspect can be VALIDATED by OTHER HISTORICAL and ARCHEOLOGICAL RECORDS.

The Bible is UNIQUE in this way not only among Books of FAITH, but even among books of antiquity because the histories detailed in the Bible are NOT by HEARSAY from people long past, but by the EYEWITNESSES themselves.

The Bible is divided into the OLD Covenant, given to the People of Israel, which PROMISED the fulfillment in the NEW COVENANT through God’s Son JESUS. And JESUS Himself QUOTED from the OLD COVENANT BOOKS to VALIDATE that HE was the fulfillment of the Promised MESSIAH—1,500 years later!
The FIRST COVENANT, or OLD Testament is comprised of:
• The five books of Moses called the LAW or TORAH
• The PROPHETS called NAVI in Hebrew
• And the WRITINGS (that’s all the histories and the poetical books, Psalms, Proverbs, Song of Solomon…) called in Hebrew the COTEVIM

The OLD and NEW Covenants are inseparable. They are NOT DIFFERENT RELIGIONS. They are the SAME, and right standing with God was ALWAYS by FAITH.

And so those Christians who profess we ought to IGNORE the Old Testament, are LITERALLY OBLITERATING the FOUNDATION of our faith.

As we began to discuss last time, the NEW TESTAMENT also verifies itself historically, which means that if the HISTORICAL DETAILS are TRUSTWORTHY, then there is NO RATIONAL JUSTIFICATION to doubt the EVENTS and SPIRITUAL claims of the Bible.

We began to look at LUKE, the GREAT HISTORIAN, as he is called even by SECULAR historians. He gave tremendous verifiable historical details and even claimed to interview witnesses.

North Park Christian School:

Season Watch airs Saturdays and Sundays at 3:00 pm in San Diego on K-Praise AM 1210 and FM 106.1 North County in San Diego:

Wendy’s other Rumble Channels:

Wendy’s Words for Him: Posts a variety of her teachings and other inspirational videos:

Wendy’s Words for Him: Radio: Audio only Podcast of her weekly radio show SEASON WATCH:

Wendy’s Words for Him: The Hiding Place: Listen to The Hiding Place audio book reading of Corrie Ten Boom’s true story of God’s faithfulness during Nazi-occupied Holland:

Website: My Words for HIM:

Her Christian Novel can be found on Amazon: The Lost: A Story of Christmas:

Science Survey 1:

Science Survey 2:

Science Survey 3:

Science Survey 4:

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