Catholicism, the Vatican, and some Evil Secrets - COMPILATION

7 hours ago

Just a short video with some Truther videos on the Vatican and the Catholic church. There is a ton of evil, symbolism, and hidden secrets involving the Vatican. We plan to do a series on them in the future!

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Vatican, Catholicism, Pope, evil, demons, conspiracy, secret societies, Illuminati, Freemasons, New World Order, Antichrist, Satanism, Lucifer, Devil, exorcism, possession, corruption, hidden agenda, Papal power, Jesuit Order, Black Pope, White Pope, Vatican Bank, money laundering, pedophilia, child trafficking, cover-up, scandal, Opus Dei, Knights Templar, Holy See, prophecy, end times, Revelation, apocalypse, St. Malachy, Third Secret of Fatima, Fatima prophecy, Marian apparitions, Virgin Mary, idolatry, paganism, Babylonian roots, mystery Babylon, false religion, heresy, Inquisition, torture, witch hunts, Crusades, Holy Wars, blood sacrifice, ritual abuse, satanic rituals, Black Mass, Vatican archives, forbidden knowledge, ancient secrets, lost gospels, Gnosticism, Dead Sea Scrolls, Nag Hammadi, suppressed truth, Vatican II, modernist heresy, ecumenism, one-world religion, globalism, Agenda 21, climate agenda, depopulation, mind control, MKUltra, CIA Vatican ties, Nazi gold, Ratlines, Operation Paperclip, Hitler’s Pope, Pius XII, Holocaust silence, Jewish conspiracy, Zionist ties, Rothschilds, banking elite, financial control, usury, Catholic mafia, Cosa Nostra, P2 Lodge, Propaganda Due, Masonic infiltration, assassination plots, John Paul I, mysterious death, poison, Albino Luciani, 33 days, Benedict XVI, resignation, Pope Francis, Bergoglio, false prophet, heretic Pope, liberation theology, Marxist Pope, Amazon Synod, Pachamama, nature worship, pantheism, apostasy, schism, traditionalists, sedevacantism, Tridentine Mass, Latin Mass ban, gay lobby, homosexual priests, lavender mafia, clergy abuse, sin within, moral decay, Sodom and Gomorrah, divine punishment, God’s wrath, Hell, purgatory, limbo, indulgences, selling salvation, simony, nepotism, Medici Popes, Borgia Popes, Renaissance corruption, Vatican orgies, Alexander VI, Lucrezia Borgia, incest rumors, poison ring, Vatican murders, Swiss Guard, protection racket, Gendarmerie, espionage, Vatican intelligence, alien cover-up, extraterrestrial, UFOs, Disclosure, Annunaki, Nephilim, fallen angels, demonology, incubus, succubus, spiritual warfare, Rosary, weapon of Satan, holy relics, fake miracles, Shroud of Turin, forgery, bloodlines, Merovingian, Holy Grail, Da Vinci Code, Priory of Sion, sacred feminine, suppressed Mary Magdalene, Vatican misogyny, patriarchy, celibacy, unnatural vows, eunuchs for Christ, castrati, choir boys, dark pool, organ harvesting, cannibalism, Eucharist conspiracy, transubstantiation, blood drinking, vampirism, crypts, catacombs, necromancy, skull worship, relic trade, saint bones, graverobbing, underground Vatican, tunnel system, DUMBs, deep state, shadow government, black budget, CERN, portal to Hell, time manipulation, quantum evil, Malachi Martin, Windswept House, satanic infiltration, exorcist whistleblower, Bella Dodd, communist priests, red infiltration, cultural Marxism, Antichrist throne, Altar of Satan, St. Peter’s Basilica, obelisk, phallic symbol, sun worship, Mithraism, Constantine, pagan Rome, Council of Nicaea, Bible tampering, canon lies, Book of Enoch, banned texts, Ethiopia manuscripts, Vatican hoarding, wealth of ages, golden throne, jewel empire, hypocrisy, poverty vow, tax evasion, offshore accounts, Panama Papers, blackmail, confessional abuse, sin database, power over kings, divine right, monarch control, Dark Ages, feudal lords, serfdom, enslavement, soul harvesting, eternal damnation, fearmongering, guilt weapon, Heaven’s Gate, cult of Rome

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