Carnal signs, Aries ♈️ Libra ♎️ Capricorn ♑️

6 hours ago

Carnal signs, Aries ♈️ Libra ♎️ Capricorn ♑️ & Cancer ♋️
It’s interesting the collective Carnal sign (signs that get things going) have been manipulated to bring in the wrong things that bring in tower moments.
It’s like using the youth against the old also the father Capricorn energy against the mother Cancer energy which gives me the black woman. Again being used to push things black bile is the cancer.
Cancer wasn’t an original sign and the mother was always Scorpio. When cancer was added in the black mother became the cancer. Black bile.
This is some very deep Shizzz 😩

Here's a brief overview of tarot card meanings and interpretations:
The Major Arcana:
1. The Fool: New beginnings, innocence, risk-taking
2. The Magician: Skill, manifestation, personal power
3. The High Priestess: Intuition, wisdom, secrets
4. The Empress: Abundance, nurturing, femininity
5. The Emperor: Structure, authority, leadership
6. The Hierophant: Tradition, conformity, spiritual guidance
7. The Lovers: Relationships, choices, love
8. The Chariot: Willpower, control, progress
9. Strength: Inner strength, courage, self-discipline
10. The Hermit: Introspection, guidance, solitude
11. The Wheel of Fortune: Change, destiny, fate
12. Justice: Balance, karma, fairness
13. The Hanged Man: Sacrifice, perspective, patience
14. Death: Transformation, rebirth, endings
15. Temperance: Balance, harmony, moderation
16. The Devil: Temptation, materialism, bondage
17. The Tower: Upheaval, revelation, sudden change
18. The Star: Hope, inspiration, positive energy
19. The Moon: Intuition, illusion, mystery
20. The Sun: Joy, success, enlightenment
21. Judgment: Rebirth, awakening, personal growth
22. The World: Completion, fulfillment, integration
The Minor Arcana:
The Minor Arcana consists of 56 cards, divided into four suits:
• Wands (Creativity, passion, energy)
• Cups (Emotions, relationships, intuition)
• Swords (Thoughts, communication, logic)
• Pentacles (Material possessions, finances, practicality)
Each suit contains 10 numbered cards (Ace to 10) and four court cards (Page, Knight, Queen, King).
Interpretation Tips:
1. Consider the card's position in the spread.
2. Look at the card's relationship to other cards.
3. Take into account the card's symbolism, imagery, and themes.
4. Reflect on your personal connection to the card.
5. Trust your intuition and inner wisdom.
Keep in mind that tarot interpretations are subjective and can vary depending on the reader and the context.

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