24/7 Flat Earth Discord !LIVE! - The Final Proposition - 3/9/25 - Ep. 1

9 hours ago

The Best Place on Earth to Talk about Earth

24/7 Flat Earth crew talks on The Final Experiment and other topics.

Join the discussion:
24/7 Flat Earth Discord : https://discord.gg/3FScNwc
https://discord.gg/flatearth - 24/7 Flat Earth Discord
https://discord.gg/politics - Politics Discord

Support the stream:

Quantum Eraser - https://www.youtube.com/@quantumeraser4833
indio007 - https://www.youtube.com/@indio007
Alpha Veritas - https://x.com/AV_overdrive
HelioSkeptic - https://www.youtube.com/@HelioSkeptic

TEOS-UK channel: https://www.youtube.com/@TEOSUK

Bearapalegic's Coffee: https://bearapalegic.com/

Twitter stream: https://www.https://twitter.com/247fe...

This is the live stream channel for the 24/7 Flat Earth Discord 2.0 server.
Debates and related talks are going on 24/7. Click the join link above and you can be part of the conversation. We have many voice chat rooms that are not streamed live and if you would rather ask questions in the lobby you will have that option as well.

Email me: 247flatearthdiscord@gmail.com

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