President Trump Tells Maria Bartiromo ‘There’s Something Wrong’ with Democrats

7 hours ago

(Note: Anyone that follows this channel knows what is wrong with the Democrat leadership. Trump knows to, but this ‘movie’ is designed to wake people up. I cannot even get my own family and friends to wake up. On another note, four recent deaths within my own circle of friends and relatives. I am out of town for a couple of days visiting family. The sick list in our Parish bulletin is now over 50 people, so large that the list cannot be recited during the general intersections at Mass. My sister-in-law’s younger 50 year old brother dies from pericarditis, but it had nothing to do with the mRNA and all the recommended boosters he got. My own daughter who got married two years ago, that refuses to discuss the vaccine issues, also took the vaxx jabs and recently had a miscarriage. Will my wife and I ever have grandchildren and if we do, what future of health issues will they have and will they be human or considered trans-human? There is truth to the fact that over 90% of installed governments are either a clone, synthetic robotoid, shapeshifting reptilian or a human traitor that sold their soul for power or money. The lack of a soul explains everything including the Satanic Liberal hivemind. RFK Jr recently mentioned the Milgram experiment where 2 out of 3 people will follow a person of authority even if it meant causing life threatening harm to each other (thus, take your f@cking vaxx). Basically suggesting that 66% of the general public are in some kind of a trance or spell and need to be wakened up or as Q has posted, “only at the precipice will people find the will to change”. What will that precipice be, 6 billion deaths, people realizing that their cabal installed governments are conspiring to kill you or the elite are not human and the underlying demonic entities require the raping, murdering and blood of our children to manifest in our physical realm? We are in a dire spiritual battle and people better wake up fast. Truth is stranger than fiction is an understatement. Sorry, starting to rant again. Take care everyone. Pray! Marcum.)

TRAITORS – ‘We Caught Them All’

(Note: Almost guaranteed with the stolen 2020 election practically all of Biden’s appointees (or traitors accepting DEI positions , those who rigged the J6 protests or psychopaths pushing for mRNA bioweapon injections) would be cabal installed non-humans being either a clone, synthetic robotoid, a shape shifting reptilian or a soul-scalped human traitor psychopath pedophile. If Killary got in as president in 2016, we would have been all killed by now according to the 16 year plan. Thank God for the leaked Podesta emails, WikiLeaks dumps, Q-intel, Trump and the Alliance. Pray! Marcum)

Aldo Maria Valli Interview with Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò

Alta-Vendita.pdf (preview & download)

Alta-Vendita movie (download)

Obey! ‘They Live’(mRNA – A.I. Cabal Traitors on Display) - compilation version

Fair Use Policy
March 9, 2025. The Gateway Pundit

Biden-Harris, Pfizer & Moderna SUED for Depopulation Crimes - Media Blackout

WOKE (Satanic) – Choose/emulate your demon! – Goal: Our children and your soul. [Frazzle Drip]

House Committee’s New 500-Page COVID-19 Report

WATCH: Aussie doctor took on the CORRUPT health system and won!

Q 4966
Nov 27 2022 20:06:20 (EST)
What is coded in your DNA?
Who put it there?
Mankind is repressed.
We will be repressed no more.
Information is knowledge.
Knowledge is power.
Information is power.
How do you protect your DNA?
There is a war for your DNA.
Protect your DNA.

RUMBLE VERSION of info and links

Pascal Najadi Calls for Arrests of Bills Gates, GAVI, WEF, WHO, Big Tech in Geneva Switzerland

BREAKING NEWS - Pascal Najadi Sues Pfizer in New York Supreme Court

NEC NOMINETUR IN VOBIS (Archbishop Viganò letter)

DISCLOSURE: Q & #STORM - Trump & the Q Plan: Complete from A to Z

Q- THE FINAL COUNTDOWN: THE GREAT AWAKENING – (Red Pill Edition)- viewer discretion advised

‘Subliminal Messaging and Predictive Programming.pdf’

‘Adrenochrome - Mind Control -v1.pdf’

"If I was the Deep State"(all lying demonic psychopaths)

‘Subliminal Messaging and Predictive Programming.pdf’

‘Adrenochrome - Mind Control -v1.pdf’

Once you know the truth, you’ll never watch these movies the same way
(Adrenochrome) – All parts search results

Black Sun Draconian Agenda

‘THE BLACK SUN.pdf’ (info & links – Marcum)

CLONING (MyCatholicRedPill).pdf

Deep State Clones Expire After Three Years, Cloning Scientist Tells Military

‘Mandela Effect Links.pdf’

Laptop From Hell links.pdf

Report on the Hunter Biden Laptop – Marco Polo

(Note: I compiled another downloadable PDF with lots of info and links on the subject of the Pride/WOKE/Pedophile agenda. I only ask that you share and spread the info as I accept no monetary gain. Hopefully this can help more people be aware of this hideous systematic evil against our innocent children. Pray!

The Pride-Woke Agenda - info and links .pdf

(Note: Pope Francis quote: “We are all children of God”??? Maybe, but since around WW2 that human reality has changed. Are clones or demon possessed psychopaths that sold their souls to the devil considered “children of God”? If there is no soul there and these creeps now systematically hide the fact that they ritually torture, kill and eat our children (or kill for adrenochrome) in secret are considered “children of God” and deserving of forgiveness and redemption? I say, once your God-given soul is given up, any humanity is totally gone and their hearts are so hardened that they will curse and hate God to no end. There is absolutely no way that both Francis and the Vatican are ignorant to these hidden facts, that includes the complicit MSM and the tyrannical nut job illegitimate governments and politicians that were installed by the cabal, plus all the psychopathic doctors and big pharma knowingly pushing the death jabs. Ultimately God judges all, but I draw the line on innocent children. Absolutely NO amnesty for these psychopathic monsters. Please check out my Pride-Woke Agenda, Adrenochrome and Cloning links and information and then decided for yourselves if, “we are all children of God”? How can Francis make this statement unless he is protecting someone or some thing? Pray! Marcum - MyCatholicRedPill)

NOTE: Clearly the position with Covid-19 restrictions and ever tightening mandates our not in our interest, especially our children, and we have to fight back and demand our leaders act. As of today, I have gotten no response from our Chancery Office or any of their supporting documentation (including informed consent info) I requested. Of course not, there is absolutely no medical evidence whatsoever in favour of the Covid-19 vaccine or mandates.
Both of these downloadable documents, ‘Bishop2021-10-06(redacted).pdf’ and ‘Ultimate Proof Covid-19 links.pdf’ are also presented in my (MyCatholicRedPill letter to my local Chancery Office and Bishop with no response to date. – Marcum)

Share ‘Bishop2021-10-06(redacted).pdf’

Share ‘Ultimate Proof Covid-19 links.pdf’

This is really happening, They are re-writing your DNA You ARE THE THIRD TEMPLE!

COVID MANDATES.pdf’(Bitchute version with links)

Freemason Code Broken (Parts 1 to 3) links and reference links PDF downloads

Freemason Code Broken (Part 1) (Bitchute & Rumble)

Freemason Code Broken (MyCatholicRedPill).pdf

The Cabal 2016 Plan If Hilary Won Was To Murder All Christians In The USA.pdf

Freemason Code Broken (Part 2) AntiChristPyramid1

Freemason Code Broken (Part 3) Symbolism in Hollywood Movies

(Note: I sat on these Freemason Code Broken series of videos and information I downloaded into my research archive. Even though I disagree with a lot of David's viewpoints, for he is all over the map, his research and knowledge of some of this
hidden knowledge is very interesting and worth investigating. You can look him up on YouTube, but again I don't subscribe to most of his positions taken. He also deleted a lot of his content. I hope you find my modified content useful based on his research. So based on Fair Use Policy enjoy my video version and the related PDF documents download links above. Thank you, Marcum - MyCatholicRedPill)

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