Episode 534: Matthew Olaranont & A Touch of Aether Anthology

15 hours ago

The Blasters & Blades Podcast

We’ve got a bonus episode for you! Today we’re here to talk to Matthew Olaranont about his story in the A Touch of Aether, An Urban Fantasy Anthology. We talked about his story An Eye For Royalty and his love of urban fantasy! It was a fun and nerdy quick chat about all of the reasons why we love all things magical and magic adjacent stories. This was a fun interview, so check out this episode. Lend us your eyes and ears, you won't be sorry!!

Join us for a fun show! We're just a couple of nerdy Army veterans geeking out on things that go "abracadabra," "pew," "zoom," "boop-beep" and rhyme with Science Fiction & Fantasy.

JR Handley (Author) (Grunt)
Nick Garber (Comic Book Artist) (Super Grunt)
Madam Stabby Stab (Uber Fan) (Horror Nerd)

We work for free, so if you wanna throw a few pennies our way there is a linked Buy Me A Coffee site where you can do so. Just mention the podcast in the comments when you donate, and I'll keep the sacred bean water boiling!

Support the Show: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/AuthorJRHandley
Our LinkTree: https://linktr.ee/blastersandbladespodcast

Today's Sponsor
A Touch of Aether Anthology Link: https://www.amazon.com/Touch-Aether-Urban-Fantasy-Anthology-ebook/dp/B0DYK7GL7K/

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Follow Matthew Olaranont on social media
Matt’s Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Matthew-Olaranont/author/B0C3TVVJSZ

Follow Yet Another Writing Podcast on social media
YAW Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IlliterateBastards
YAW Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/32U2ClIwLXHI8GgPMZLogW?si=2231197b8f26430d&nd=1
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YAW Podcast: https://www.iheart.com/podcast/269-yet-another-writing-podcas-117131275/

Show referenced on this episode
Fringe: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fringe_(TV_series)

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