Humanity Enslaved in the Nanotech-prison: what Whitepapers tell us

2 days ago

Humanity Enslaved in the Nanotech-prison: what Whitepapers tell us

Humanity Enslaved in the Nanotech-prison: what Whitepapers tell us - Interview with Dr. Daniel Broudy
Whitepapers from the WEF, the EU and various Governments around the world map out a technological future for humanity that only can be described as a prison of total insight and control over all your inward and outward being. In this interview Dr. Daniel Broudy, Professor at Okinawa Christian University, shows what these whitepapers and scholarly papers describe and how humanity is being programmed to readily accept and celebrate it. Humans being „enhanced“ with nanotechnology is no science ficton anymore, it already is in full swing. Cyborgs walking among us? They are already in mass production. Still the future is what we choose and step one is to be informed what elites have planned for humanity. Please watch and share this important video!

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