Hordak & Grizzlor - Sketch Book Series - Masters of the Universe Origins - Unboxing & Review

9 hours ago

It's really been a MOTU oriented week so far hasn't it?
Here we have the Target Exclusive first entry into the Origins Sketchbook Series of Figures for Masters of the Universe. Hordak and Grizzlor, of the Evil Horde.

Royalty Free Music From Mixkit
Techno Fest Feel by Alejandro Magana
Howling Under the Moon by Michael Ramir C.

#sketchbook #sketchbookseries #MOTUsketchbookseries #Mastersoftheuniversesketchbookseries #theevilhorde #evilhorde #horde #hordak #Grizzlor #mastersoftheuniverse #motu #motuorigins #mastersoftheuniverseorigins #mastersoftheuniverserevelations #mattel #castlegrayskull #motuo #heman #grayskull #Snakemountain

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