Movie Night Final Feature Presentation: M.E.N.D With Dignity

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Movie Night Final Feature Presentation: M.E.N.D With Dignity on NOK Network

THC-The Healing Conversations: M.E.N.D With Dignity
Gary Andrew Pallister & Rob Mahy Sr

"MEND with Dignity is the riveting documentary about a rural Ontario compassionate care group using medical cannabis to heal themselves and their community. MEND was founded by two construction workers, Rob Mahy Sr. and Gary Pallister, who dared to defy the law on a mission to transform their small town reeling from the opiate crisis. We meet their patients aged 12 to 88 who were failed by Western medicine and found relief for their epilepsy, PTSD, chronic pain, cancer and more. Dr. Ira Price, one of the world’s leading experts in cannabinoid medicine, provides the enlightening medical and historical perspective on the most demonized plant in modern history. It's an inspiring and captivating look inside the DIY cannabis healing movement sweeping across Canada and the world."

Post show discussions following our feature presentation with Producer Kim Saltarski

#NOKnetwork #MovieNight #AmazingAintItEntertainment #MENDwithdignity

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