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28 ... TWENTY EIGHT!!!! Reasons why there were NO PLANES ON 9/11
This is mind blowing - When new information presents itself you gotta take it in consideration and be ready to reassess your position. Otherwise you're just as conditioned and cognitively dissonant as those others you claim are such. It's fucking hilarious how brutal the 9/11 Truth Movement has been coerced to echo and bleat the same god damned shit for 24 fucking years. I call it the SECOND LAYER OF BULLSHIT. Under GATEKEEPER Richard Gage the REAL TRUTH has been STIFLED, and with evil Jewish Media Companies that WHITE WASH THE Fucking truth - THEY ARE COMPLICIT IN THE LIE!!! Like Google, JewToob, Microsoft, etc.. Herein is the entire transcript. SPREAD IT!
No planes on 9/11
A deep study into No Planes on September eleventh 2001. It is the 9th of match 2025
To Anyone out there who will hear the argument that there were no planes on 9/11 and that 28 reasons why is more than ample to at least look into it. The denial of the truth on the part of the mind controlled so called “Truthers” and the controlled opposition dictating to the people in that movement – what they can and cannot say – Has Got to Stop!!! Re-evaluate. When a person is presented with evidence that is different from the generally accepted point of view the Critical Thinker stops and reassesses based on the new information being presented. Those who refuse to hear it out either have an agenda or are controlled – following blindly a Leader who is controlled opposition, and these duped fools are a detriment to the rest of society in keeping with their point of view and rejecting the truth out of egotism and the inability to otherwise review the situation revealing that they have been wrong about it for 24 years. Everyone else on the fringes sees through the bullshit story and the Movement – even if it has a monopoly on the word truth Is quite the opposite and they don’t speak for us. It’s time you all woke the fuck up!!!
James Easton
The Case for No Planes on 9/11: A Deep Analysis of 28 Salient Points
To be sure, this document focusses specifically on no airplanes hitting the twin towers, let alone the Pentagon or Shanksville which are widely accepted as false.
There are 28 reasons outlined here that deal specifically with An aircraft NOT striking the tower on 9/11, and ultimately that the stolen money which has been purported to be much higher than 2.3 trillion, anywhere in the range of 9 or higher. This has been addressed by multiple people with close ties to the CIA (Crooks In Action), such as Susan Lindauer for example. Citing 9 trillion dollars went missing. But this isn’t about the details of the day and the outcome over the years. This has to do with a prepared explosion out the front face of Tower 1 from the 93rd floor to the 99th floor. And in Tower 2, from the 78th floor to the 85th floor. There is just way too much evidence to discount it. Too many foolish people are hellbent on their second layer narrative that is supported by the 911 truth community at large. It is ironic that those who point the finger at people of society in general as having cognitive dissonance, when they themselves exhibit the same damned thing. Their minds locked and shut tight from looking any other way than what they’ve all agreed upon, at the behest of their leader Richard Gage.
And now we begin.
The official narrative of 9/11 maintains that four hijacked commercial airliners were used as weapons, with two striking the World Trade Center towers. Over the past two decades, numerous researchers, engineers, and independent analysts have uncovered glaring inconsistencies in this account. Among the most controversial yet compelling claims is the No Planes ON 9/11—the assertion that no commercial airliners crashed into the Twin Towers, the Pentagon, or in Shanksville, Pennsylvania.
This document will expand on 28 critical points that substantiate this claim, providing in-depth analysis, scientific breakdowns, and a scathing critique of the controlled opposition within the 9/11 Truth movement.
1 - The Hezarkhani Shot
Filmed by amateur videographer Michael Hezarkhani, this footage allegedly captures the moment United Airlines Flight 175 crashes into the South Tower. However, deep video analysis reveals multiple anomalies, including the plane melding into the building with no visible deceleration, the lack of damage before impact, and the inconsistency of lighting on the aircraft. The plane appears to be a CGI overlay, not a physical object obeying physics. What’s more is that the version of he Hezarkhani shot that was released at midnight on 9/11 features Hezarkhani not saying a word in contrast to the release of the footage in the CNN dvd America Remembers – Where Hezarkhani’s voice is literally dubbed in saying “Oh my god! A Plane just crashed into the building – Oh My God!” This cheap trick was a ploy to have impact on people who saw this video, as a form of confirmation of sorts. It was fake.
2 - The 2022 Westly Video
Recent footage from 2022, dubbed the Westly Video, provides further insight into the manipulated visuals of the supposed aircraft. Digital artifacts and motion inconsistencies suggest post-production editing rather than authentic, live footage. If real planes were involved, why would there be so many doctored videos? What’s more is the dramatic fraudulent sounding voices of the camera man and a guy standing next to him. You can also tell that Hezarkhani was close by because the same screams are heard in both videos but the loud shouting by the camera man saying “MY LORD – MY LORD” “ Did you see that United Airlines just crash into the tower? “ and you can actually see Hezarkhani standing there with his camera on a tripod for a brief moment while the camera pans past the crowd on the upper deck of a tour boat. I contend that most of the people aboard were crisis actors, and had reserved the boat so they could perform their script without intrusion.
3 - The Plane Hole: Cartoon Physics
The impact holes in the Twin Towers depict a near-perfect outline of an airplane—akin to something out of a Looney Tunes episode. A real aluminum aircraft hitting a steel-reinforced building would have fragmented upon impact, with debris scattering in all directions. Instead, the towers absorbed the planes in their entirety, with no wings or tail shearing off upon impact.
4 - No Wreckage from the Plane Stuck on Columns
If a Boeing seven sixty seven had truly struck the building at full speed, large portions of the aircraft—wings, tail, engines—would have remained lodged in the outer steel framework. However, no such evidence exists. All imagery and video footage show a clean “entry” with no external wreckage.
5 - No Wreckage on the Ground Except for Planted Evidence
Beyond the towers, there was a surprising lack of recognizable aircraft debris. No large fuselage sections, no tail assembly, and no passenger seats or cargo scattered on the ground. The few items that were found—such as a pristine passport—appear suspiciously planted.
6 - Jet Fuel Burns Black, Not White or Gray
The fires seen following the so-called impact were white and gray, not the thick, black smoke that results from burning jet fuel (kerosene). This contradiction further suggests controlled demolition materials were used, not aviation fuel. This type of fuel is mostly kerosene and has an extremely low Octane that it simply you not be what we see when the destonation goes off at 8:46 am on September eleventh.
7 - Plane Speeds Outside of Operational Velocity Max O.V.M.
Boeing seven sixty sevens have an Operational Velocity Max (OVM) of roughly 360 knots at sea level. The alleged speed of UA175 was 590 mph, well beyond the aircraft’s structural limitations. At such speeds, the aircraft would have disintegrated in midair due to aerodynamic stress.
8 - Ground Reporter: "I Didn’t See or Hear a Plane"
A reporter stationed on the ground—who should have clearly heard an approaching jetliner at full throttle—reported no plane in sight or sound. This further supports the argument that the planes were digital insertions, not real physical entities.
9 - seven forty seven Engine on Church & Murray Streets
A Boeing seven sixty seven does not use the same engine as a Boeing seven forty seven, yet the engine fragment found on Church & Murray Streets belonged to a seven forty seven. How did this happen unless it was intentionally planted?
10 - The Naudet Footage: Too Perfect to Be Real
The Naudet Brothers’ footage, supposedly capturing the first impact, raises multiple red flags:
• The camera was already aimed at the exact spot of impact.
• The reaction of nearby individuals appears staged.
• The “gas leak” excuse for why they were filming is dubious at best.
11 - Naudet Footage Was Edited and Chopped
Analysis of the Naudet footage shows frame-by-frame inconsistencies. The footage appears to have been manipulated, with frames missing or altered.
12 - Nose In, Nose Out
In the infamous “nose-out” shot, the plane’s nose fully emerges from the opposite side of the South Tower after impact. This defies all physics. The fuselage would have crumpled upon impact, not remained intact.
13 - Explosions Only Occur Inside the Towers
If real planes crashed into the buildings, explosions would have been visible at the point of impact, with debris ejected outward. Instead, the explosive force came from inside the building.
14 - The Naudet Flash
Before the first impact, a mysterious flash is seen, consistent with a planted explosive charge rather than an aircraft collision.
15 - Untrained Pilots Couldn’t Have Pulled This Off
The alleged hijackers were Cessna trainees with poor piloting skills. Commercial pilots have confirmed that such maneuvers would have been impossible even for experienced professionals.
16 - Fibonacci Design in the Towers and the Event
The Fibonacci sequence and sacred geometry appear embedded within the design of the WTC and the staged 9/11 event, further suggesting an orchestrated plan rather than randomness.
17 - Nano-Thermite Dripping from the Plane Hole
Footage shows molten metal dripping from the impact zones, indicating the presence of nano-thermite, a controlled demolition agent, not jet fuel combustion.
18 - Kerosene’s Low Explosive Power
Jet fuel is essentially kerosene, which does not have the explosive potential to bend steel columns outward. Controlled demolition remains the only logical explanation.
19 - The Hijacker’s Passport
A pristine passport allegedly belonging to one of the hijackers was miraculously found unscathed among the rubble, an implausible occurrence given the fire and destruction.
20 - Uninterruptable Autopilot
This technology was installed in Boeing aircraft since 1992, allowing remote takeover of flights, raising the possibility that no hijackers were involved at all.
21 - Pilots for 9/11 Truth: Impossible Maneuvers
Professional pilots attempted to recreate the 9/11 flight paths in simulators and failed, reinforcing the impossibility of these maneuvers.
22 - The Physical Differences Between Aluminum and Steel
Boeing seven sixty sevens are made primarily of aluminum, a lightweight, ductile metal, while the Twin Towers were constructed with steel columns, which are far stronger and denser. The idea that an aluminum aircraft could effortlessly slice through steel beams without any significant loss of structural integrity defies fundamental material science. Planes do not behave like bullets, and even a high-speed impact would result in substantial deformation and breakage of the aircraft before causing symmetrical penetration.
23 - Mr. Handschuch’s Photo and Testimony
Mr. Handschuch captured a picture of the South Tower explosion but did not see or hear a plane approaching. Given the noise level of a jetliner traveling at near-supersonic speeds, it is inconceivable that multiple witnesses, including photographers actively documenting the event, would have missed the sight and sound of a massive airliner approaching.
24 - G-Forces and Structural Integrity at High Speeds
Flight data indicates that UA175 was allegedly traveling at 590 mph, which is far beyond the design tolerances of a Boeing seven sixty seven at low altitude. Aerodynamic stress would have caused the plane to break apart due to the enormous G-forces exerted on the airframe. Boeing engineers and aviation experts have repeatedly pointed out that the aircraft's wings, fuselage, and tail section would have experienced catastrophic failure at such speeds.
25 - Newton’s Third Law: Action and Reaction
Newton’s Third Law states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. If the Twin Towers had been solid and motionless upon impact, then the kinetic energy of the planes should have resulted in equal damage to the aircraft and the building itself. However, the footage shows the planes seamlessly disappearing into the buildings without visible resistance, further supporting the CGI hypothesis.
26 - The Photographed Plane Was NOT UA175
Multiple photographic analyses reveal inconsistencies between the supposed aircraft and United Airlines Flight 175. The color, markings, and structure of the plane in the videos do not match standard United Airlines livery. Additionally, the airplane in the footage has a military-style pod attached to its underside, a feature not present on commercial aircraft.
27 - No Wake Vortex Evidence
Commercial aircraft produce wake turbulence, a byproduct of their aerodynamic movement, especially at low altitudes and high speeds. No such vortex effects were recorded on 9/11, further suggesting that no physical planes were present in the airspace.
28 - The Pressure Wave and Shockwave Effects
If a Boeing seven sixty seven were traveling at 590 mph at low altitude, the shockwave alone would have shattered nearby windows and caused eardrum injuries to people within the vicinity. Yet, there were no reports of such physical phenomena occurring. This absence of expected environmental effects is another piece of evidence pointing to the fabricated nature of the supposed plane impacts.
Masonic Influence and the Architects & Engineers Cover-Up
One of the biggest red flags in the 9/11 Truth movement is the influence of Freemasonry and elite fraternal orders that have historically manipulated public perception. The Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth organization, spearheaded by Richard Gage, presents itself as a legitimate truth-seeking initiative, yet they categorically refuse to address the No Planes ON 9/11. Why? Because they are not simply controlled opposition—they are complicit in the cover-up.
Gage: The Masonic Puppet
Richard Gage, hailed as the leading figure in the “official” truth movement, has consistently steered the discussion toward controlled demolition while dismissing or ridiculing any arguments about video fakery, CGI planes, or media complicity. The fact that the organization’s very logo includes an airplane should tell you everything you need to know about their real agenda.
• Gage’s constant refusal to debate No Planers reveals his intentional suppression of crucial evidence.
• The Freemasonic connections within the field of architecture, engineering, and government oversight suggest an organized cover-up rather than mere ignorance.
• Gage and his cohorts are gatekeepers, controlling the limits of public discourse while preventing the exposure of the bigger lie: THERE WERE NO PLANES.
Masonic Symbolism in the 9/11 Event
The numerology and geometry of 9/11 itself align perfectly with Masonic ritualistic sacrifice and staged events:
• The Twin Towers represented the pillars of Boaz and Jachin, central symbols in Freemasonic tradition.
• The Pentagon, another alleged plane target, is shaped like the ancient symbol of Saturnian control, a structure deeply rooted in Freemasonic and occultist architecture.
These are not coincidences. Freemasonry and elite organizations thrive on deception, ritualism, and symbolic destruction to further their hidden agendas. The No Planes ON 9/11 threatens to unravel the deeper Masonic scheme, which is why figures like Richard Gage, David Slesinger, and other operatives are hell-bent on suppressing it.
Conclusion: The 9/11 Truth Movement’s Blind Spot
For 24 years, the broader 9/11 Truth movement has largely refused to engage with the No Planes ON 9/11, despite overwhelming evidence that the Twin Towers were not struck by commercial airliners. Figures like Richard Gage and Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth have gatekept discussions, focusing solely on controlled demolition while deliberately ignoring collision dynamics and video fakery. Worse, the movement’s logo itself includes an airplane, further cementing the false narrative.
Additionally, individuals within the 9/11 Truth movement have actively worked to suppress key discussions about Israeli involvement. Notably, David Slesinger, who openly admitted to being a Zionist with Zionist friends, dismissed any accusations of Israeli intelligence complicity. This blatant conflict of interest raises questions about the extent to which the movement is being steered away from core truths.
Social media giants, including Facebook, Google, and YouTube, have played an active role in suppressing No Planes content, ensuring that controlled opposition narratives dominate public discourse. Platforms like Zuckerberg’s Facebook prioritize pages attacking No Planers while burying or outright deleting content that challenges the airplane impact myth.
The time has come to call out the 9/11 Truth movement for their failures and demand a reevaluation of the evidence. The No Planes ON 9/11 is not only viable—it is the key to unraveling the greatest deception of the 21st century.
For Christ’s sake Wake the fuck up!!!
Thanks for listening …
James Easton
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