CTP (20250311 S2EMarSpecial3) MusicWeeks Wk 1 Ep 2 Adam Blaylock (Heart Songs) BTS/SP Video

1 day ago

First the good news - you may have known I've been saying I need to go into Hospital for Heart Valve replacement surgery - I thought that would occur March 4th but my Heart Doc says it will be likely now April as he wants to run a battery of tests (that, for me, is the bad news) so remainder of March I will be in/out for tests. THE GOOD NEWS in-so-far-as MUSIC WEEKS goes though is that they will now not be delayed and starting Mon March 10th
THIS WEEKS MUSIC WEEKS (Mar 10-28) EPISODES that I will be Home to be sure to release...
1-1: Monday March 10: John Vento "Nied's Hotel Band"
1-2: Tuesday March 11: Adam Blaylok (Heart Songs)
1-3: Wednesday March 12: Marcus Manderson
1-4: Thursday March 13: Michael William
1-5: Friday March 14: Jam Your Gram Singing Telegrams


CTP MUSIC WEEKS multiple days spanning a couple weeks of Music/Entertainment related Guests episodes that will be a lot of Fun and break mainly from Faith and/or Politics (unless the Guest goes there) focusing on “Entertainment” fare starting March 10th of 2025 including Benjamin Barnes, Lady Redneck, John Vento and his Nieds Hotel Band, Adam Blaylock (Heart Songs podcast), Jam Your Gram (Singing Telegrams, yes they are still a thing), Michael William (US Veteran and former Police Officer), Marcus Manderson (BarryManilow-esque, writes Jingles too), Kristi Jacques, "The Music God" CJPlain (relax folks, "Music" God as many Artists joke they are ROCK GOD's), HeIsTheArtist, Franklin Sane (for those that will get the Bowie reference), also focus on Music Censorship episode (including talk of “Professor Of Rock” Taboo Tunes YouTube shows), more.

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