Ear Worms 040 - Star Wars Retold - Paraxeum of the Pathfinders

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Star Wars has a long and rich legacy that has inspired fans to get creative and add their own work to an expanded universe of stories. One such creation comes to us from a man who goes by "World of Swap Shop." He is the author of the story known as Star Wars: The Paraxeum of the Pathfinders. This story is part of a trilogy of tales that take place after the film, The Force Awakens. It is currently being released on YouTube in the form of an audio drama. We will talk to the creator about the sound design and the story. It promises to be an intriguing story for Star Wars fans of any age.


Swap Shop of Star Wars Retold: https://www.youtube.com/@StarWarsRetold
World of Swap Shop on X: https://x.com/the_swap_shop1


Psyche Electro-Acoustic Opera Company: https://youtube.com/@psycheopera
Mike "Mountain Hawk" Gourley: https://www.youtube.com/@MikeMountainHawkGourley

Special Thanks to:

Mr. Brown Alliance: https://youtube.com/@MrBrownAlliance


The Wayfarer Project Merch Store: https://www.bonfire.com/store/the-wayfarer-project/
The Wayfarer Project Website: https://thewayfarerproject.com
The Wayfarer Project (Music channel): https://youtube.com/@thewayfarerproject
The Wayfarer Project on Rumble: https://rumble.com/thewayfarerproject
The Wayfarer Project on OdySee: https://odysee.com/@thewayfarerproject:8
The Wayfarer Project on Kick: https://kick.com/thewayfarerproject
The Wayfarer Project on BitChute: https://bitchute.com/thewayfarerproject
The Wayfarer Project Learning: https://youtube.com/@TheWayfarerProjectLearning
The Wayfarer Project Adventures: https://youtube.com/thewayfarerprojectadventures

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