Are Future Temple Sacrifices Still Necessary?

8 hours ago

#TempleSacrifices #ThirdTemple #SacrificialSystem

Some believe that future temple sacrifices will still be required—not for sin, which Yeshua fulfilled, but for freewill offerings, such as praise, peace, and thanksgiving (examples: Leviticus 3:1-5, 7:11-15, 22:29). They agree that Yeshua fulfilled the sin sacrifice, but they say that these other types of sacrifices remain necessary. However, even these offerings required blood. Why is this? Because God reads our hearts, and the Bible tells us that the heart is desperately wicked (Jeremiah 17:9). What we believe to be pure motives may not be, and due to the possibility of impure motives, all offerings required a blood sacrifice.

What they are not recognizing is that Yeshua's blood was the once-for-all sacrifice (Hebrews 10:10), fulfilling all aspects of God's sacrificial system.

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