Not by Might Nor By Power - Is that How God's Prophets Operated?

16 hours ago

Abraham, Moses, Samuel and Elijah all committed homicide and then feared (and, in two cases, fled) for their lives. That must say something about how God viewed their actions. And yet God continued to work with them. He is, indeed, ever-merciful.

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Other Recommended Videos:
Accommodation – a good example of one of our word studies for the glossary.

Understanding the True Character of God – a good introduction.

Something Else Must be Going On – 7-minute video with a very good point.

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*God forgives every sin, even if we don’t ask
* We are the sanctuary to be cleansed in Daniel 8
* The Father did NOT forsake Jesus on the cross
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* The Lion of the tribe of Judah is really a Lamb
* God does NOT burn the lost in a Lake of Fire/Hell

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