Just Poetry

6 hours ago

Lyrics: Elpis

Third Person View

Verse 1
Maybe this blue is my final glance at white,
My last tender touch bidding farewell to light.
Perhaps this pen in my hand is my final muse,
Leaving behind a trace of worn khaki hues.
The last winter I’ve known, and a summer I’ll never see—
I’m sorry, it’s the closing chapter of all that’s me.

The imprint of my hands was all I ever claimed,
Silent truths unspoken, with no name to be named.
I’m so tired—my back bears a thousand kilos of cotton weight,
While I clutch a bloodstained shell, accepting a fragile fate.
I could’ve held on for a few more weary days,
But this soul no longer has the right to stay.

Verse 2
Don’t whisper my name to the children in the night,
For I’ll never become that steady old man in their sight.
Perhaps this is my first embrace of the deep, dark spark,
And the final serenade written in the fading dark.

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