The Power of Visualization Achieve Your Goal

8 days ago

The Power of Visualization Achieve Your Goal

The Blue Angels and elite athletes use this one technique to guarantee success. Are you? 👇 #Visualization #SuccessMindset #eliteperformancechallenge

Winners visualize their victories before they happen. Are you ready to train your mind for success? Join us at or Sunday at 7 PM CST on Discord. #Brotherhood #MenOfPurpose #LevelUp #MindsetMatters #GammaAlphaPI #LeadershipDevelopment #WorkLifeBalance #PersonalDevelopment #dadshelpingdads

This clip reveals how high performers use visualization techniques to ensure success. A must-watch for anyone aiming for greatness. #Visualization #SuccessMindset #GoalSetting
The Power of Visualization: Achieve Your Goals
08:22 - 09:10
So um anyway the Blue Angels before every flight they visualize as a group together every stick movement every redder movement every acceleration everything they do to their entire flight they visualize the entire flight before every flight this is actually super common in high performance athletes high performance uh individuals uh world class individuals do a lot of visualization of what they're going to do or about to do to help them ensure success the mind is actually incredibly powerful and there is no physiological difference if you vividly visualize something in your mind for it happening there's an old uh I don't know if it's just a wise tale or what it is but a guy is working on a rail car

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