NATIONAL & PERSONAL CRISIS # 19, Learn & live or live & learn; it's your choice. (3-9-25)

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7. You borrow strength when you make decisions to go along with people who influence you erroneously.
1 Corinthians 15:33 “Do not be deceived; evil companions corrupt good morals [standards].”
a. You borrow strength by taking bad advice, or simply going through life being influenced by people rather than what the Word of God says.
b. You never have a thought of your own, but always depend upon the counsel of others.
c. You use others as a crutch rather than learning and applying doctrine for yourself.
d. You use someone else’s scale of values rather than developing your own priorities through the perception of doctrine.
e. Some try to borrow strength by depending on drugs or alcohol to deal with their problems. They never work; they only make matters worse.
f. If you depend on others for happiness and for problem solving, you will wind up in the Cosmic System where there is no happiness nor problem solving, but there is plenty of misery.
g. You cannot learn doctrine by sending someone else to Bible class. You will either recognize the importance of learning God’s Word, or you will not. That decision will determine what kind of life you have on earth, and in heaven.
h. If we expect to grow in grace and knowledge, we must get our Daily Dose of Doctrine. You will live one of two ways: You will “Learn and Live”, or you will “Live and Learn.”
i. To Learn and Live is much easier than to Live and Learn. Learning doctrine shows one how to Live which makes Life easier, whereas, Living by the school of hard knocks, is Learning Life the hard way.
There is something important that we will never have if we have a “Hit or Miss” attitude toward abiding in the “Divine Domain” or the “Bottom Circle” where we are Filled with the Holy Spirit. By the way, we miss more than we hit when we have a “Take it or leave it” attitude.
So, what is it that we lack in our spiritual life if we have a poor attitude towards growing in grace by learning Bible Doctrine? CONFIDENCE !

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