Ego Thich Nhat Hanh

2 days ago

In this video I bring you a profound metaphor of Thich Nhat Hanh's hands, where two inseparable companions teach us the essence of Zen Buddhism.
Through delicate animations, we follow the story of the right hand that writes poems and the left hand that doesn't, but where neither develops complexes or feeds divisions.
When an accident occurs with the hammer, we witness the pure act of care without expectations. Without reproaches, without accounting for favors, without resentments. Only the natural awareness that the well-being of one is the well-being of the other.
A brief but profound visual journey that invites us to reflect on the "wisdom of non-discrimination" and how we could transform our relationships if, like hands, we remembered that we are all "united and equal

Original video by the master:

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Google Cloud AI Courses

Rober Colors Script
Music, editing and mastering by Rober Colors
Videos Background from Pixabay

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