You and Idol Pretty Cure♪ Episode 6 - My Heart's Going Kyun-Kyun!? (English Subbed)

7 hours ago

You and Idol Pretty Cure♪ Episode 6 - My Heart's Going Kyun-Kyun!? (English Subbed)

and so this week,we're finnally introduced to our 3rd and Final member of the "You and Idol Precure" Team which is "Shigure Kokoro"

Nothing too major or special on this week's episode,as Sadly Kokoro doesn't transform into "Cure Kyun Kyun" from her introduction Episode,as we won't get that untile next Week's Episode,which instead,we mostly just get heavy Character introduction Backstory on her and her family members and backstories on her deceased Father.

Pretty Good ok Average episode right here,way better than the last 2 previous episodes so far right here!

But hopefully this season tones down all of that pretty holics nonsense which the last 2 previous modern precure seasons "Hirogaru Sky" and "Wonderful" kept shoving/Shoehorning down our throats with!

Not much I can say on Kokoro here,as she's the typical shy/bubbilly friendly type persona Cure on the team:P but hopefully this season does something interesting with her beyond the typical Bubbilly/Shy friendly trope,because i don't want her to end up like another bland/generic "Sango/Cure Coral" Clone from Tropical Rouge,because sadly thats the vibes im getting from her so far,and we all know how Cure Coral turned out to be right?????

On the positive side,the only main difference that seperates Kokoro from Sango,which the only good thing Kokoro has going for her so far is that she's good at dancing,and speaking of which,thats another thing i forgot to mentioned......

Ok wait a min,so she's also revealed to be the president of the "Cure Idol" and "Cure Wink" Fanclub as well?????? Oh my........I wonder how this will play out in future episodes to come by,since she's also already aware of both Cure Idol and Cure Wink's existance????

and the funny thing is,Kokoro isn't even this season's "Defense Shield" user,which instead,that Power trope now belongs to this season's blue Cure "Nana/Cure Wink".lol

because again,my main issue i had with Sango/Cure Coral from that 2021 Season "Tropical Rouge" because of how Bland she was,being one of the worst "Defensive Shield" User Cures in the franchise which the Wrtiers had no idea what to do with her beyond the Typical Shy/bubbily personality,which is why i'm worried that Kokoro/Cure Kyun Kyun might end up like her in this season,but hey,we'll see!

also,on a quick side note,I recently came across this last night,which the Sega Genesis version of "Puyo Puyo" recently received an English Fan Translation:P

I'll even provide a link to where you can download the Rom:

also,for all you "Urusei Yatsura" fans out there,I also came across this rather unique complete Overhaul Rom Hack of the Nes/Famicom Urusei Yatsura/Lum game "Urusei Yatsura Lum No Wedding Bell"

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