St John Chrysostom - Tell your wife you love her

10 hours ago

“Tell your wife you love her, without being afraid that she will ever become spoiled or use those words against you.

“Indecent women, who go with one man and another, are naturally flattered by hearing such words. A good girl, however, will not only not be puffed up by it, but she will also humble herself.

“Show her that you really enjoy spending time with her, that you prefer to stay home for her sake rather than meet up with your friends.

“Honor her more than your friends, more even than your children. And love your children for her sake.

“If she does something good, praise her and admire her. If she falls into some mistake, gently guide and correct her in a delicate manner.

“Pray together.

“Go to church together.

“If poverty strikes, remind your wife that the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, who are above all emperors and the rich, spent their lives in hunger and thirst.

“Show her that no hardship in life is frightening, as long as we do not go against God and His will.”

—St John Chrysostom

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