Red Church | Your Assignment in the END TIMES!

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**You’ve seen a victory, but now, it’s time for the body of Christ to storm Babylon**

In Red church today, Joseph Z exposes how darkness infiltrated the church. He clarifies the difference between prophetic gifts and the office of a prophet, emphasizing our call to take dominion and fulfill God’s purpose.

Joseph reveals that the powers of darkness infiltrated the church when they realized they could not defeat it. He urges us not to attack our fellow believers in Christ, as doing so might make us a tool in the hands of the devil to harm the church. He assures us that the devil cannot withhold what God has in store for us, which is why his greatest fear is that we will recognize our potential in Christ Jesus.

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He emphasizes that it is time for us to storm Babylon and occupy the territory that God has given us until Christ returns. He outlines the differences between the gift of prophecy and the office of the prophet, explaining that while anyone can operate in the gift of prophecy, the office of the prophet is a responsibility assigned to a select few to fulfill God's purpose for a segment of the body of Christ. This includes edifying and equipping the body of Christ.

Joseph further asserts that both the church and the world deserve to witness mature believers, the sons and daughters of God. “For, as many as have received Him, to them He gave the power to become sons and daughters of God.” He further emphasizes that we must always obey God’s commands, regardless of how rosy or difficult the situation may be because when we do the difficult, God will do the impossible. In conclusion, he reminds us that ministry is fundamentally about people. When we allow God to love people through us, we begin to truly impress Him.

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