Europe's Dilemma

10 days ago

On the first of what will be several videos, I begin to touch on what I refer to as Europe’s dilemma. History proves me accurate when saying Governments don’t care about their citizens, they use their citizens. As soon as I finished typing, the term “cannon fodder” came to mind. Many have emailed asking me to name some of the sources we find our information from. For us and by a wide margin it originates from the many loyal subscribers we have in almost all areas of the planet. We don’t think there’s a better source than the folks who live in the region. While there are a lot who’ve been drinking the Kool-Aid, those mindsets tend to shy away from our kind of factual information yielding us enlightened subscribers. From a public site and when it comes to the Russia/Ukraine (NATO) conflict.

Since this series of videos will be primarily focused on covering the geopolitical nightmare over in Ukraine, Ritter is the source I feel is the most knowledgeable. While there are several good sources and if you email me, I’ll pass on a few, this person to the “Mentors” stands above the rest. Scott’s a former US weapons inspector who paid the price for being honest. One of his many projects was investigating if in fact there were any nuclear arms over in Iraq. Was Saddam Hussein hiding such weapons? Turns out HE WAS NOT, but that’s not what the current administration wanted to hear. Ritter wouldn’t lie to promote the propaganda stemming from the West and in doing so paid a hefty price for his honesty. If you’re interested in finding out the real doing’s over in Ukraine he’s an excellent source. I’ll continue the next video on how Europe’s already actively planning to go to war against Russia. A war that’s impossible to win but is that really so different than the happenings over in Ukraine? You folks in Europe better protect yourselves and your families. Your Government won’t be! Until next time, Barry in DR.

Hash Tags:
#scottritter, #geopoliticaltrends, #europe, #geopolitical, #nato, #trend, #geopoliticalissues, #russia, #ukraine, #trump, #capitolcontrol, #reallocate, #currency, #subscribers, #governments, #barryindr, #rd, #dr, #caribbeanlifestyle, #tropicalliving, #islandlife, #dominicanrepublic, #caribbean, #domrep

Danny Haiphong:

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