A Golden Wake - Chapter 4, Returning Alone, Epilogue and Full End Credits

4 hours ago


A Golden Wake - Chapter 4, Returning Alone, Epilogue and Full End Credits
Epilogue - A Grave in the Everglades
Full End Credits

Awe.... kind of sad at the end, but also quite fascinating to play a game that is bringing us a story that was a part of history. Famous and infamous people and their influence of the times and places.

#BrandonAndrus, #DavidBenedetto, #PhilipCallen, #AlfieBanks, #AndyChmelko, #PatDwyer, #SarahElmaleh, #EunicePeacock, #MirandaGauvin, #AbeGoldfarb, #Umberto, #FranciscoGonzalez, #EvanMorris, #NeilHellegers, #AndrewHubacher, #WilliamJenningsBryan, #JimMullins, #Ms.Rogers, #PamelaShandrow, #MabelCody, #ShellyShenoy,

#Chapter4, #ReturningAlone, #Merrick, #Eunice, #Epilogue, #AGraveintheEverglades, #FullEndCredits

Brandon Andrus, David Benedetto, Philip Callen, Alfie Banks, Andy Chmelko, Pat Dwyer, Sarah Elmaleh, Eunice Peacock, Miranda Gauvin, Abe Goldfarb, Umberto, Francisco Gonzalez, Evan Morris, Neil Hellegers, Andrew Hubacher, William Jennings Bryan, Jim Mullins, Ms. Rogers, Pamela Shandrow, Mabel Cody, Shelly Shenoy,

Chapter 4, Returning Alone, Merrick, Eunice, Epilogue, A Grave in the Everglades, Full End Credits

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