Bryan Denlinger on Anti-Miscegenation Laws, Sodomite Marriage, and The Jesuits

1 day ago

Former IFB preacher Bryan Denlinger speaks on the effect interracial marriage had on normalizing sodomite “marriages.” Denlinger conclusively shows that the overturning of the anti-miscegenation laws in America directly paved the way for the overthrow of anti-sodomy laws. Furthermore, he demonstrates how Jesuit trained men, among whom was a papal court Jew, were instrumental in this endeavor. On top of that, he also displays how the Catholic hierarchy has seemingly been supportive of interracial marriage ever since the 17th century ¹ and how Protestants were against it as opposed to Catholics.

¹Though from my research, most Catholic laymen and some outlying priests were in opposition to interracial unions up until the Civil Rights Act of 1964

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