documentary on how the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and Globalist Elites created the U.S.

21 hours ago

30 min documentary on how the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and Globalist Elites created the U.S. Federal Reserve to enslave American citizens and bankrupt our nation to destroy it from within.

The Rothschild Central Banking Hidden Money Matrix: How Big Banks and Big Government Steals Your Wealth Through the Federal Reserve Scam

People are finally waking up to the realization that our modern monetary system is nothing more than a massive fraudulent parasitic scheme designed to siphon wealth from hardworking citizens to banks and government elites and they've been rising up to fight back.

The Federal Reserve, despite its official-sounding name, is a private banking corporation owned by major banks, not a government agency. Created in 1913, the same year the income tax amendment was passed (no coincidence), this system enables the continuous theft of your purchasing power through a complex web of Treasury bonds, Federal Reserve checks written from empty accounts, and fractional reserve banking.

When the government needs money, it issues bonds — IOUs — that banks purchase. These banks then sell these bonds to the Federal Reserve, which creates currency out of thin air by writing checks on accounts with zero balances. This newly created currency is multiplied through fractional reserve banking, where banks can lend out up to 90% of depositors' money while still showing the full amount in accounts. This results in a monetary system requiring ever-increasing debt, with more debt in existence than currency to pay it off - a mathematical impossibility designed to enslave us through perpetual taxation.

The founding fathers fought against central banking for this very reason, which is why the Constitution specified only gold and silver as money. Today's system violates these principles, robbing us of our LIBERTY and transferring wealth to bankers who, as a former Bank of England director allegedly stated, "own the earth" and "with the flick of a pen will create enough money to buy it back again" if it's taken away.

The worst part, our system was ALL created and owned by disgusting satan worshipping cannibalistic child trafficking pedophiles.

This is the system you're all assimilating together to fight against.

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