Nufftingz & Company Battle Kanto Gigantamax Starters

2 days ago

#pokemonunite #pokemongo #Carbink #hundo #hundopokemon #shundo #ralts #primeape #Flabébé #dratini #ekans #Groundon #xerneas #yveltal #kyurem #regirock #spoink #tepig #vigoroth
Pokémon GO is a free-to-play mobile application developed by Niantic for iOS and Android devices. The game was initially released on July 6th 2016. In Pokémon GO, players catch various Pokémon, evolve them using candies, and power up them in order to battle. These Pokémon are mapped to locations in the real world using GPS technology. PokéStops located at various real-world landmarks aid in this by distributing items for use in catching and battling with Pokémon.
Kubfu (Japanese: ダクマ Dakuma) is a Fighting-type Legendary Pokémon introduced during Generation VIII, in The Isle of Armor.

Gigantamax Pokémon are emerging in the world of Pokémon GO in special events, and it’s up to Trainers to band together and battle them! These Max Battles are unprecedented in Pokémon GO, and it seems that they can only be won when enough Trainers unite as a team. Reports indicate that groups of 10-40 Trainers should be able to defeat and catch these formidable Power Spot Bosses.

One thing is clear: these are Pokémon GO’s biggest challenges yet.
Read on to learn the latest about the Dynamax and Gigantamax phenomenon and prepare.

Don’t forget: Dynamax Pokémon are now among us in the world of Pokémon GO! You can find them at mysterious new Power Spots being discovered across the globe. Rally your friends to take on new Max Battles, catch these gargantuan Pokémon, and unlock the power of Max Particles

The biggest update to Pokémon GO yet is here! Are you ready?

Thumbnail done by my daughter Jasmine

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Music Credits @LightEMupMusic ​

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