South Carolina 'Climate Change' Woman Arrested For Igniting 2,059-Acre Wildfire In Myrtle Beach Area

10 hours ago

Posted • March 8, 2025: Massive wildfires in the Carolinas have provided the usual alarmists on the Left with another opportunity to prove that they will "never let a crisis go to waste" when it comes to pushing the usual talking points. Bill Nye tried to say that "the end is nigh" if fossil fuel emissions aren't halted, or else we'll see more "unprecedented" events like this: GLOBAL WARMING: Bill Nye went on CNN to peddle the absurd lie that wildfires in the Carolinas “didn’t use to be a thing” before climate change. The largest wildfire in state history happened in 1976, and SC alone sees about 5K wildfires every year. These one trick ponies couldn't be more predictable. Meet the "climate change" who is accused of starting one of the massive fires, and it's not a Big Oil executive: South Carolina woman arrested for igniting massive 2,059-acre wildfire in Myrtle Beach area —— Never fails.

85% of so called “wildfires” are caused by humans. You mean it wasn't climate change 🤦🏽‍♀️ Who knew "climate change" had a name 🤷‍♀️ Go figure!

Twitchy: The End Is 'Nye'! Here's the 'Climate Change' Accused of Causing a Massive Wildfire in South Carolina
New York Post: South Carolina woman arrested for igniting massive 2,059-acre wildfire in Myrtle Beach area
Rumble: The End Is 'Nye'! Here's The 'Climate Change' Accused Of Causing Massive Wildfire In South Carolina

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