Civil Rights Advocate Litigator Tanawah Downing is Putting the Justice System on Notice

17 hours ago

In the first hour, there is no confusion, it is not the fog of war, it's political Smoke and Mirrors in the Anarchist Audit. Then Civil Rights Advocate and Litigator Tanawah Downing is putting the entire justice system on notice, they're criminals, they know it, we know it, now what are they going to do about it?

So much good Star Wars, and so much bad Star Wars, how is one to know which is what? Catch my Comic Book Reviews, this time I read the first issue of Star Wars Jedi Knights the latest addition to the struggling Star Wars universe. This book sticks to the basics of good story telling and introduces us to new characters while giving us the characters we know and love.

Find out more about Tanawah Downing and his work advocating for real justice visit

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