Dr. Larry Palevsky: "Measles infection in and of itself is not a deadly disease."

1 day ago

" It can resolve and does resolve ninety nine plus percent of the time. And when it does present, it does present with a fever and a rash that starts on the forehead and on the face. And as the rash develops on the forehead and the face, it starts to descend down the body."

"And as it descends down the body, it coalesces on the face and the neck. So instead of it just being dots on the face and the neck it's now one big red rash. The kids usually have the three C's cough, conjunctivitis, which is pink eye and coryza, which is runny nose.

And if the pediatricians in Texas are smart enough, if they really think that what they're seeing is measles, then any kid who starts with a fever without a rash, they should look in the mouth because there's something called Koplik spots, k o p l I k, that develop on the on the inside of the cheek, down at the lower edge of the of the mouth where you can identify lesions that are classically pathognomonic."

"Well, the most important thing for parents to understand is not to suppress the fever with acetaminophen. Okay. That drug can reduce the very chemical in the body called glutathione that your child with measles needs to complete the rest of the disease."

"Because when you see measles, what you are seeing is an elimination of so many wastes and toxins that are being helped out from the body with the action of this measles virus. Mucus is a great carrier of wastes, toxins, and impurities."

"The cough is a great opportunity to get all of that stuff out, and the fever is a great opportunity to burn it as well. So try not to do anything to suppress the fever. Now there are remedies that you can use to help your kid feel better."

"There's essential oils. There's warm baths. There's cloths cool cloths on the head. There's, homeopathy. It's very easy to learn which remedy to use. Most importantly, put your kid in a quiet, dark room. Don't increase the activity of the house. Keep the lights down dim, and make sure your child stays hydrated. Warm fluids, not juices, not sodas, not milk, not formula, but warm broths, teas, soups, and quiet. Let your child sweat it out."

"And if there's anything that mothers and other practitioners have taught me over the years, lie down with your child skin to skin and let your child heal. Bath and get under the covers. The CDC even recommends vitamin A and I would want to know if that child who died in the hospital actually got vitamin a as recommended by the CDC."

"What medications the child may have gotten that may have actually reversed a rather benign course of an illness that became much more fatal, and maybe the child died from that."

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