RDO - Moonshiners Bonuses Month, Week 1: Saturday

Streamed on:

Tip at https://ko-fi.com/kenizi to create a 30-60 second clip!
Most broadcasts are of games rated M(17+) and are for mature audiences only due to the graphic nature of these games, the language, conversational topics and activities I utilise in stream. Viewer discretion is advised.
This channel is dedicated to serious PC gaming in 1080 HD (with no mods) on a Custom Rockstar Edition HP Omen 30L with a Custom Rockstar Edition HP Omen 17-AN012DX as backup. Featuring the GTA series and Red Dead.
The Rockstar Launcher has all the GTA games currently available on PC, RDR/Undead Nightmare, RDR II/RDO and LA Noire. Most games are via Steam, except Minecraft Java Edition which is via the Minecraft Launcher.
For the hottest news, commentary and videos go to Boiling Point Live https://www.boilingpoint.live/
For my non-gaming content, go here https://rumble.com/c/DJYefuneKof
Create your Rumble account here https://rumble.com/register/KeniziFam/
Create your Sticker Mule account here https://www.stickermule.com/unlock?ref_id=7511047701&utm_medium=link&utm_source=invite
Use promo code RUMBLE for a free trial in my Locals community if you want to support or just simply log-in for free and check out the exclusive gaming content posted here https://yefunekenizipcgaming.locals.com/
Check out other Kenizi merch at https://kenizimerch.creator-spring.com and use promo code RUMBLE for 20% off
Rumble Lightening overlay by ImPettit https://impettit.locals.com/ https://rumble.com/user/ImPettit
Rumble Glitch overlay by Designer's Gate https://designersgate.locals.com/ https://rumble.com/c/k2sgaming
Custom Bob emotes created by Eik https://rumble.com/c/SwitzerlandPlayIT https://badenglishspeakinggamers.locals.com

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