ICYMI, THE DEVIL'S ADVOCATE, The Investor Who Rules the World | George Soros Documentary

1 day ago

Little children have fantasies. The child who is skinny and weak delights in dreaming that, with the snap of a finger, he can become a Stallone, or-minus ze German accent - a Schwarzenegger.
The kid who rarely leaves home and doesn’t travel wishes he could be a pilot, or an astronaut.
But what is one to make of a child who believed he was God?
Those were the thoughts of young George Soros, growing up in upper-middle-class surroundings in 1930s Budapest.

Chapter overview:
0:00 George Soros: More power than god
2:44 Enjoying World War, Finance career success, Making money
17:55 Secret of Investing Success: Principle of Reflexivity
20:17 Getting wealthy: Start a fund the easy way
23:27 Starting Soros fund, divorcing, defending the dollar
30:23 Gambler or investor god: Soros's killing of a lifetime
35:52 Stanley Druckenmiller: Go for the kill
39:50 The trade that broke the Bank of England
50:42 Soros evil side, his powerful friends, his masterplan
1:00:55 The end of an epoch, Soros success formula

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