I Built My First Guitar - GUITARWORKS (Gear4Music) DIY Electric Guitar Kit Pro - Full Build & Review

17 hours ago

I never thought I would be able to build my own guitar. I was so wrong. Not only is this kit from Guitarworks (by Gear4Music) affordable, it is also easy to assemble. I also added a splash of colour with Stunning Stains, a range of water-borne stains from a company called Crimson Guitars.

This video is my first attempt at assembling a kit guitar, and also my first at staining a guitar. I hope you like the results. I certainly do . Check the rest of my videos out @paulmcj , please smash the like button, and subscribe.

1. Unboxing - 01:06
2. Staining the Guitar - 07:15
3. Guitar Assembly - 21:12
4. Sound Check/Demo - 27:00
5. Review/Final Thoughts - 30:00


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