The Prudent Diet Hoax: How Fake Science Demonized Real Food

13 hours ago

In 1956, every American TV screen broadcast the Prudent Diet, a revolutionary heart-healthy plan that pushed corn oil, margarine, and cereal while demonizing butter, lard, and eggs. But what if the real science told a different story—one that was buried to serve corporate interests?

🔹 Doctor Dudley White’s Warning – Heart disease was nonexistent in 1900 when people ate three times more eggs.
🔹 Ancel Keys’ Cherry-Picked Study – The 7 Countries Study was actually 20 countries, but he deleted the ones that didn’t fit his hypothesis.
🔹 The Anti-Coronary Club Disaster – The “healthy” diet led to MORE deaths, while the meat-eating group had ZERO heart disease deaths.
🔹 What Really Causes Heart Disease? – Processed seed oils, sugar, and refined carbs—not the natural fats our ancestors thrived on.
🔹 The Real Takeaway – The “heart-healthy” movement was a corporate-backed deception. It’s time to return to real food.

The science was clear—but the truth was buried. How many more generations will suffer before we undo this historic health scam?

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