a post scammerstellarosealldaytelling rickbastuba that he already distance himself from her 03/8/25

1 day ago

trust me scammerstellaroseallday rick bastuba italianguytv has stay away from stellaroseallday dionne Lang he stay away from her has possible would luv to send all stuff against this woman rick will nailed woman he doesn't appreciated making off aaron carter deaths and Monique Figueroa he doesn't like anyone who bashed children like what's happening to Melanie Martin her son no one dare bashed anyone son rick had owned kids no one going to disrespect his kids he luv his kids and his loving father yes rick agreed dislike this woman stellaroseallday dionne Lang white dimples face Karen little fat Stella like to call it but is to busy caught up with controlla and tricialicious and taking break online to attend his family don't worry tgere be otherwise exposed and other's am nit aloned this fight there others ogbrideofchucky and other's we fighting was right on internet I've think we are winning this fight for sure

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