Gnat Again! Trump Effortlessly Brushes Away NBC 'Reporter' Abuzz With 'Sources Say' Story Question

14 hours ago

Posted • March 8, 2025: I’ve seen this all before and so have you. The New York Times is pushing a ‘sources say’ story about a Cabinet meeting spat between Secretary of State Marco Rubio and Elon Musk. As expected, this unconfirmed story that two NYT ‘journos’ claim is 'based on interviews with five people with knowledge of the events’ has been dutifully accepted as fact and regurgitated by the rest of the legacy media. I remember this pattern from President Donald Trump’s first term. So, an anonymously sourced fake story that can be used to hurt Trump - been there, done that. But this is 2025, so something hilarious happened when the legacy media tried to bait Trump on Friday in the Oval Office. An NBC ‘reporter’ asked Trump about the current ‘sources say’ story that has irrelevant ‘journos’ in a tizzy. I laughed so hard when he delivered the perfect response.

🚨 President Trump just SLAMMED a fake news NBC reporter for claiming there was a “CLASH” between Elon Musk and Marco Rubio during a cabinet meeting. “No clash. I was there. You're just a troublemaker.” They’re trying SO hard to rip Elon and Trump apart, and it ain’t working. These attempts are getting incredibly desperate. Imagine being in the Oval Office as a journalist and the only question you can come up with is “I heard Elon and Marco don’t get along”. I’d revoke his pass. Trump treated the question and the ‘reporter’ with the respect both deserved. Zero. The legacy media needs to come to grips with the fact this is not ‘first term’ Trump. These tired and silly fake news tactics won’t work this time. It’s a very bizarre tactic the media is trying. It hasn’t worked but they keep trying. It’s fallen flat on its face every time. And we just laugh at them for it. Lots more laughing to go.

That's their playbook. Smearing, defaming and lying is all they know how to do. It's looking more and more like they didn't have a 'Plan B.' Truly amazing. I have also concluded that they don’t have another plan. They’re going to keep pushing ‘sources say’ slop and Trump will simply ignore it or effortlessly slap it away like he did on Friday. Unlike Trump’s first term, he has cultivated the talent he has in his Cabinet. He’s got their backs. I love how Trump stands up for his people. Love it. Trump and Elon are two of the most unfairly smeared humans on the planet. Trump understands exactly what they’re trying to do. Elon ain't scared either. I can’t picture any of his Cabinet backstabbing Trump or working against him. It's a stark contrast to his first term Cabinet. The legacy media’s machinations to drive wedges between Trump's team members will not work. The media is trying so hard to create division that isn’t there.

MSM does not have the influence they used to. So good luck with that one. BTW I think Trump has taken questions more so far than Biden did in his entire presidency. I’m happy to see the legacy media flailing and failing against Trump. They worked hard on this latest attack and Trump brushed it and the 'reporter' aside like a gnat. That’s all incessantly buzzing ‘journos’ are after all.

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