Reparations, Or Restitution?

3 days ago

Dr. Thomas Sowell said, "The first thing to understand about the issue of reparations for slavery is that no money is going to be paid. The very people who are demanding reparations know that it is not going to happen. Why then are they demanding something that they know they are not going to get? Because the demagogues themselves will benefit, even if nobody else does. Stirring up historic grievances pays off in publicity and votes."

Knowing that reparations to former slaves will not benefit them, think about the Dave Chappelle skit about reparations, NSFW , why do many blacks in political and influencer arenas still demand it? Is there something else that the downtrodden of this world should look to as the solution of their problems? Did these people have something to do with their own hard times?

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