A Deeper Look At Dancing | Part 2

1 day ago

In this lesson titled: A Deeper Look At Dancing | Part 2 ... I wrapped up my discussion on this important moral topic. For the majority of this lesson... I gave a rebuttal to eight common arguments made in defense of going to prom and similar dance settings where lascivious dancing takes place.

I believe it was beneficial to do this because... When it comes to moral topics... There are many defenders of immorality in and outside of the Lord's church... And some of the arguments made in defense of immorality are sophisticated and can sound good on the surface. However... When examined... Those arguments that may seem correct are proven to be unbiblical!

Here is the list of eight arguments made in defense of going to prom and similar dance settings where lascivious dancing takes place that I gave a rebuttal to:

1) "But the Bible says there is 'a time to dance' in Ecclesiastes 3:4, and speaks positively about dancing in other places! Therefore, it is acceptable before God to go to the prom or a similar event!"

2) "But the Bible does not say, 'Thou shalt not go to the prom!'"

3) "But dancing is not as sexual as you make it out to be! The prom and similar events are where people are just having harmless fun!"

4) "But I will not, or my child will not dance like that! I, or my child will behave! I, or my child will not engage in lascivious behavior!"

5) "But there are adult chaperones at those events! They do not allow anything bad to go on!"

6) "But children are only a junior or senior once! They cannot miss the prom!"

7) "But everyone is going! All of my friends are going! If I do not go to the prom, I will be made fun of!"

8) "My prom or high school dance was different! My prom or dance did not have lascivious behavior, immodesty, or ungodly music playing!"

This lesson may challenge what you currently believe... And that is okay! I do not want you nor anyone to take my words as the final authority... Because they are not the final authority!

God's word is the ultimate and final authority on all spiritual matters! I only want you and others to accept the words that I have spoken in this lesson if they line up with what the Bible teaches.

I invite you to put the words that I have spoken in this lesson to the test... Go and search the Scriptures for yourself... And see if what I have said is true. Always check and make sure that what I teach and what anyone else teaches lines up with what the Bible teaches!

Be like the noble Bereans who "received the word with all readiness, and searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so" (Acts 17:11). In 1 Thessalonians 5:21... Paul said, "Test all things; hold fast what is good."

If you ever believe that I have taught something that does not line up with the Bible... Please reach out to me and let me know... Because I only want to teach that which the Bible teaches! You can contact me by sending an email to me at gbgbiblicalguidance@gmail.com

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