Remember It With a Song – Deut. Chpt. 32

1 day ago

Have you ever tried to memorize something by putting it to music? It doesn't work for everyone, but it does work for some. As I mentioned last week, our brains have a habit of retaining certain songs. I can still remember songs that I learned as a kid, even though new songs I learn as an adult are harder for me to memorize. The one's I learned early on are still there.

God instructs Moses to teach the people a song before they enter the PL. It is a song they will teach to their kids, who will teach their kids, and so on. As we read last week, the point of the song is to remind the nation, hundreds of years later, that God had warned them about their behavior. The song is a testimony against them. When Assyria and Babylon come against them, they won't be able to accuse God of not warning them.

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