Fck off big fat 😀 πŸ–•πŸ€₯ πŸ€¦πŸ‘ŽπŸ€‘stop lying stella rose no i didn't no never threatened you you liar 03/8/25

1 day ago

Your bug fat liar stellaroseallday dionne Lang I've never threatened you pos ypu peace if sh!t never threatened whatsoever never hacked your on ig never messaged you on tiktok you are biggest bully them I've told filed police πŸš” charges in Ashville north Carolina enough with the lies am sick and tired getting blamed for that this last draw stella rose dimples face never the only I've did report dumb post cuaeed a theif stolen my video you credit them never ask you post them you going federal prison stop lying love child and other's leaved everyone aloned no cares whatever you have to say exposed bring scammer a liar and bully and this fully harassment goned enough stop worry about me and other's no one threatened life arrogant pos you worst person in planets stop worrying me and you take care your dog who needs instead writing stupid post that get you alot trouble for you post that last time didn't work never worked this ac fans and Jane accept you do us favored go away you keep doing it might end well for you you might end uo in federal prison or psych ward mental hospital for slandering and making false statements no one after you deluded bitch stop with fabricated put filed police charges on online stop posting sh!t on your bulls!it medium crap πŸ’© online this last time I've leaved me aloned have nothing you stupid crap more your crap like make report on yiy take down your make police πŸš” report this fully harassing you know stop lies and bullcrap because you going federal for scamming people making money off aaron carter deaths Monique Figueroa deaths you are so much trouble with law stella you have no idea your lies will eventually catch up to you eventually so enough said no more these crap that it if post anything again I've know where live and filed police report charges only on already people also filed police report on for harassment and lying πŸ€₯ your get your karma in court of law once throw the book at you πŸ‘¨β€βš–οΈ I've swear it you going to jail for fabricated lying other's shamed on you white dimples face Karen little fat Stella shamed on you so this last time you post nonsense about me not if don't take it down exposed lies you says and already report to your medium.com bullsh!t nobody cares whatsoever have to aay everyone think your crazy amd demented people laughing you jokes on you stella rose since luv exposed lies I've have no choice exposed now what's perfect time this going be enough after am him doned with you after this thank God can defend myself here on these platforms uncovered the truth about her which pure lies everyone knows she lying πŸ€₯ so am glad can expose this

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